Laura Lozano: Consultant

My career as an onsite dining professional has culminated with joining this great and accomplished team at Innovative Hospitality Solutions. Working for IHS checks all the boxes as I am a life-long learner, intensely curious, and enjoy working with clients and operators who share in the challenges of creating the best guest experiences possible. The ability to tour North America and travel as part of the job is just icing on the cake.
I began my career at Motorola Food Works, at the time the largest self-operating dining provider in the United States. I became the global client liaison for Dell Inc., and was then recruited by Nike to become the Director of Integrated Workplace Services, overseeing global locations and working with food service vendors in South America, Europe, and Asia.
In 2010, I was honored to be awarded the International Food Manufacturers Association (IFMA) Silver Plate Award for Business and Industry Dining. I was recognized for food service excellence in operations. I maintain and nurture close ties to our wonderful industry through the Society for Food Service & Hospitality Management (SHFM) and through the International Food Service Manufacturers Association (IFMA).
I had the honor to be the 2020 Hennessy/United States Air Force traveler for SHFM and the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation in 2020. I have a master’s degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, and a degree in food science and nutrition from Texas A&M University. I volunteer my time with the Texas A&M Former Students Hispanic Network, advocating for first-generation college students.
I was born and raised a Texan, and fortunately, my work life has afforded me extensive travel throughout the U.S. and around the world. What I am truly grateful for the most is the knowledge that our children have turned out to be good people; we have four beautiful daughters whom we cherish, but don’t see enough of, and whom we love to the moon and back.
We take every opportunity to travel and see the world. When we’re home, we enjoy cooking, baking, and entertaining. We are grateful for our tapestry of family and life-long friends who are family to us. We enjoy biking the trails – anywhere and everywhere.